Travelling is one of those things that seems to leave people kind of divided. There are those who see it as one of the best things that a person can possibly do. They see it as a far more valuable use of time and money than buying things or doing pretty much anything else. And then there are the people who simply don’t see the point of it at all. They see travelling as a waste of money and a pointless use of their time that could be spent comfortably at home. Well, if you find yourself within the second group of people, here are just a few things that you might want to consider to help you understand why travel is so wonderful.
Learn about yourself
One of the most amazing things about travelling that a lot of people don’t really talk about is how much it can teach you about yourself. We spend our lives surrounded by very specific contexts in our own lives and that makes it all too easy to fall into the habit of getting put into neat little boxes. When you get out into the world you’re able to discover things about yourself that you might not ever have been able to if you were still in that little box.
Explore history
Of course, it’s not just yourself that you’ll be learning about. You also get the chance to learn about the world around you. From living cultures to ancient history, being able to learn about the world you live in can give you wonderful insights into the beauty of it all. Just try to explore Machu Picchu and Galapagos without feeling a sense of awe at the majesty and history of it all. It not only gives you an amazing story to tell but a new appreciation of other cultures and civilisations.
Get away from it all
The modern world is stressful, there is pretty much no doubt about that whatsoever. No one could possibly argue otherwise. However, being able to travel gives you the chance to get away from all of that. Even when you’re at home you’re still glued to your phone and your laptop, constantly connected to the internet. By travelling you give yourself the chance to get off social media and just experience the world the way it really is not through a screen. Plus you’re able to get away from the stress of work and daily life, even if it’s just for a little while.
Of course, no one is going to force anyone else to go out into the world if they don’t really want to. After all, it’s your life and you should be able to spend it the way that you want. That being said, at least this list will hopefully give you an idea that there are plenty of different reasons to go travelling and all kinds of different places to see in the world. Maybe you’ll see something that interests you and that sparks that passion for travel that so many other people have.
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