After a series of controversies which got her dethroned and then reinstated again, Bb. Pilipinas Universe Venus Raj finally leaves for the US tonight where she will compete in the 2010 Miss Universe pageant to be held at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino on August 23.
Prior to her departure, Venus will have a press conference at the Bb. Pilipinas Charities Inc. (BPCI) office in Quezon City. Unlike her predecessors, she will not be going to Venezuela or Colombia for further training. But reports have it that Ms. Raj is one of six Miss Universe candidates personally chosen by Donald Trump for a media tour in Los Angeles, California a few days before the pageant.
Venus Raj presently leads the online survey to determine who is the most popular among 83 Miss Universe candidates. She now has a rating of 3.49 followed by Miss Mexico Jimena Navarrete, 2.76; Miss Colombia Natalia Navarro, 2.78; Miss Venezuela Marelisa Gibson, 2.68; Miss Indonesia Cory Sandioriva, 2.76; and Miss USA Rima Fakih, 2.65.
If you want Venus to win the internet popularity survey, just do the following:
Log on to the official Miss Universe website.
Click on the activation email to be sent by Miss Universe to your email address
Activate your account and log in
Click on Venus Raj picture under “Philippines”
Rate her by clicking on the five stars and nothing less
You will receive a confirmation email to say that your vote was successful.

go venus raj…… can do it