Before the heavy rains lashed Manila, I was fortunate enough to take the kids out to Fontana Leisure Parks and Casino in Pampanga’s Clark Special Economic Zone. It was a sunny Sunday and there was hardly any traffic on the much-improved North Expressway. Our trip thus took only one and a half hours.
As I found out, you shouldn’t go to Fontana if your idea of adventure is plunging the depths of Tubbataha Reef. The resort has a lovely Water Park that is meant for kids. This is because when you wade in, the water reaches only up to your ankles. There are lots of little water slides and cute sculptures of elephants and crocs squirting–what else– but water. The twins looked kewl in their neon-colored swimsuits. My son,on the other hand, had a great time trying out the slides in every imaginable position, including sideways and head down first that I almost had a heart attack!
Adults can have a high trying the Wave Pool with its simulated waves reaching up to nine feet, the Giant Slide and the Lazy River with its snake and crocodile-shaped rubber boats.
One good thing about Fontana is that it’s not as crowded as other resorts. The kids had such a great time (together with my niece and nephew) that I had to literally drag them out of the pool when the day was over. And until now, Paolo is asking me when are we going back to Fontana, Mom?
Food Notes
Chow time and my Mom and I decided not to eat in the Clubhouse. Instead, we tried looking for Aling Lucing’s famous sisig. Alas, her stall was closed but what the heck, we tried Aling Naty’s instead. Sisig is perhaps Pampanga’s most popular import and here, the food is cooked in front of your eyes. I would now like to call it Pig’s Head A La Iraq because the pork cheek and jowl taken from sisig comes from that body part.It’s interesting to note that this dish is cooked thrice: boiled, broiled and then served on a hot plate with lots of onions and chilies for some.
My verdict: it would be such a hassle to motor all the way to Pampanga to try the sisig places when you can find really good ones in Manila. Besides, the Angeles food stalls are located in a rough area and don’t have much seating capacity.
And if you’re tired of the Pig’s Head a la Iraq, why not try the region’s other exotic culinary specialties namely the crickets (camaru), beetles (salagubang), locusts, frogs and wild duck?? Too bad, am not adventurous enough to join you.

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