Is Facebook on the way out? Most would say "not really," but it seems netizens (mostly women) have another diversion these days - photo-sharing sites. Growing up in media, I used to think photos were gold and prized stock photos were much sought after. Now with the advent of the digital age, it seems that's no longer the case. Taking beautiful photos is the preoccupation of everyone and people are passionate about sharing - the more the merrier. So yes, Pinspire is one of those sites I've been hanging out in lately. It actually has the same interface as another ... Continue Reading...
Yes, I am Pinspired!
It was stylish Sasha who alerted me to this new social photo sharing site called Pinspire. She told me to try and take a look as it was like Tumblr. Problem is, I never tried Tumblr, being stuck (and staying loyal) to older blogging platforms like WordPress. I get to ask: what else is there to looks like they're all the same banana yadda yadda yadda But I have to give my curiosity a try. Did I ever tell you this is what happens when you attempt to make a living out of internet surfing? LOL. I just noticed that my blogger-friends are the ones who are always ... Continue Reading...
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