Women should be aware. Scammers of designer bags, and even those who represent replica bags as authentic bags, abound in Manila.They prey on buyers in sites like eBay.ph and Sulit. I've known this truth a few years ago when the owner of a low-key boutique I frequent in Paranaque told me how a few buyers who buy who buy her bags for 2 or 3K (made in HK or Korea) and resell the stuff in the five digits (like 45 or 50,000) on the leading shopping sites. What's a few lines of free advertisement, right? You never know who gets to "bite." Here's an example: So you ... Continue Reading...
Woman in Birkin scam deletes Twitter account
The woman in Manila's so-called P500-million Birkin scam has deleted her Twitter account, a reaction that is rather too late considering that internet searches on birkin scammer & birkin scammer philippines already appear as cached pages. Most of us who were curious also took screenshots of her Twitter already & saved an html copy of the web page which identifies her position in an art gallery in Manila. But the alleged Birkin scammer's latest action should offer hope to her "victims" since this means she has not totally disappeared and can be haled to court if a ... Continue Reading...
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