At an event organized by Wyeth’s Progress Pre-School Gold last week, we had the chance to hear Ruffa Gutierrez talk about a topic she rarely discusses with media: her children and her parenting style. She’s shown in photo with another lovely mom, Patricia Bermudez-Hizon.
As we all know, Ruffa is now a single mom and her two children with Yilmaz Bektas – Lorin & Venice, now stay with her. The actress says she’s definitely less strict with her girls than her mom Annabelle Rama was while she was growing up. She’s allowing her two daughters to be their own person so that they can explore their full potential. But she says she remains alert as a parent, especially when it comes to monitoring her kids’ internet use and usage of modern digital devices.
It’s true that parents who belonged to the old school focused more on the strict disciplining of their kids and their achieving high academic grades. But child care experts are now saying focusing on IQ and high grades is not enough.
At the Progress Pre-School Gold forum, Dr. Marissa de Ocampo said it is also important to give emphasis on the development of a child’s memory.
“Intelligence is not just IQ but also memory which is not only remembering information but also applying information properly. Your memory affects your ability to easily retrieve and apply stored information, such as in problem-solving – and the ability to solve problems is often a factor in defining intelligence,” Dr. De Ocampo noted.
Meanwhile,child development expert Dr. Sabrina Tan revealed the triad of success when it comes to development. These are the child’s cognitive, social and emotional skills.
“All three skills are interdependent, interact and factor into each other’s success. A child who develops each of these aspects well has more chances of succeeding in school, in social environments and different endeavors,” Dr. Tan explained.
Progress Pre-School Gold boasts of the GOLD Biofactors System which was formulated based on the latest scientific research, supporting four development areas of a child: mental and visual, growth, immunity and digestion.
The reformulated Progress Pre-School Gold provides at least 100% of the RENI for Vitamin A, iron, Iodine and zinc of children four years and older. It also contains taurine, choline, selenium, oligofructose, nucleotides, vitamin K, inositol and manganese.

Ruffa looks gorgeous. Hopefully she’ll be able to find a man who will love her till the end.