A few weekends ago – my two daughters: the 14-year old and the almost four years old attended the launch of Breeze’s Sige Sabado movement at Arts in the City, Bonifacio Global City.The movement calls on all moms to dedicate Saturdays to their kids. It’s a cause I’ve believed in since time immemorial. Being a corporate slave, there’s no excitement greater than spending the day off with my darlings – never mind if it’s just in the mall or eating in restos, every quality bonding time is precious!
Case in point: yesterday with the Tres Marias enjoying the fondue at Magnum Cafe Manila.
It’s good to know that the growing roster of celebrity moms are just like you and me. They have so much to share about the high’s and low’s of parenting too.
At the Sige Sabado event, it was refreshing to see host & actress Dimples Romana with her daughter Cal.
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