Noynoy Aquino’s campaign seems to have scored another PR coup with Noynoy being put on the cover of TIME Magazine’s April 26, 2010 issue headlined “The New Aquino.”
The feature is significant for several reasons: 1) it plays up his image before the international community; 2) it is a recognition from the international media, especially a renowned magazine like TIME which is a lot less likely to be biased and partial than the local media; 3) it follows past TIME covers/articles about the Aquino family figurehead, the late President Cory Aquino and 4) the article succeeds in letting us believe that Aquino III is the undisputed frontrunner in the May 10 2010 elections, barring grim scenarios like blackouts and computer breakdowns
The question, which only destiny can decide, is this: will Noynoy Aquino be the next President of the Philippines?
Methinks that if it ever comes to that, he will be a mediocre president like his mother, whose moral force was greater than her actual accomplishments in public office. But after decades of widespread corruption, abuse and cronyism – from one administration to another – we go back to moral symbols like Cory (and Noynoy).
It also got me thinking that with a bachelor for a President, there will be less relatives, and only Kris Aquino’s blabbermouth, to deal with
23 days to go before the Philippine national elections. God bless the Philippines! Pray for enlightenment! Pray for clean and honest polls!
Time magazine article link page here.

I know you’re confiding within yourself if you done the right thing. I will tell you now you didn’t Noy. a lot of filipinos will be in misery because of your rule. Your instincts were right not to run in the first place after all. SO QUIT WHILE YOU’RE AHEAD.
the reporter Sunshine is a Lichauco…an Aquino is married to a Lichauco…therefore this is a biased article!!!!!!