My one year old daughter uses Johnson’s products. It’s astonishing to see that this label has dominated the market for decades and even I grew up with it. I simply can’t think of any other product that’s good for baby’s skin.
And now, Johnson’s Philippines has a new endorser in the person of dramatic actress Judy Ann Santos. Having met her in person during her introduction as the Johnson’s brand ambassador, I couldn’t help but agree that she’s the perfect choice because of the impeccable role she plays as wife to Ryan Agoncillo and mother to Yohan and barely one year old Lucho.
In real life, Judy Ann comes to us as very candid and having no airs. It’s admirable how she’s transformed as a person and even exerting the effort to finish culinary school. For now, it seems her acting career will take a backseat as she prioritizes being a wife and hands-on mom to her family.
Judy Ann revealed that she doesn’t leave the house for her showbiz commitments without preparing her children’s food to make sure that they eat only healthy and nutritious fare. Bath time is also a great excuse to bond with baby Lucho. Of course she never fails to use Johnson’s products like the baby milk bath because of its hypoallergenic, “no more tears” formulation.
Judy Ann takes motherhood seriously because she wants to be there for her baby’s every milestone. ” They grow up so fast and so it’s best to relish and preserve every moment.” We definitely agree with you on this Juday!

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