Drats. This week has been a horrible tsunami that I forgot to mention my Blog-O-Rama article has been online since Monday. It’s interestingly called “How Blogging Started in the Philippines” and you may read it here. Doing the article made me realize the diverse personalities populating the blogosphere. It was enlightening to know that the field is not only dominated by the geeks or techies (collectivelly called the technogeeks) but also grandmoms, housewives, teenagers and the like. And the clincher is that the first person to have blogged in this country was a 10-year old.
It’s heartwarming to know that there have been several persons who have emailed me and are interested to blog as a result of The Column. I don’t profess to be the expert but I’ll try to answer all your questions and then pass them off to my friends for more tips and how-to’s.
Fair enough. Let’s get bloggin’.
Nona says
hey, we have an SA21 research project on blogging. we could not find useful books from the library so my groupmates and i resorted to using the net. i came across your blog and was glad to find out you did an article on blogging coz our paper also aims to discuss the history of blogging not only from abroad but how it started in the Phil. as well..
i hope to hear from you soon.
p.s. the link to your papr can not be opened. 🙁
nona says
by the way, if you have any plans of replying, please do so at derelict_bairn_shah@yahoo.com
i really need it ASAP.