There is something about the youth of today which makes them very adept and dexterous with anything that’s related to tablets, computers and mobile phones. My youngest daughter Lucia is no exception. It is from her where I first learn about the hottest videos on Youtube, the latest games, songs and what-have-you. Instead of feeling lost, I appreciate the fact that our two diverse generations can meet and it actually makes me feel young to be in step with the trends through her 😀
Typical bonding moments with Lucia consist of hanging around in restaurants and coffeeshops, shopping together in the mall, horsing around at home watching shows and movies, sometimes I bring her to my events too. Then of course, there are the learning sessions which come in the form of books, websites and other materials.
Someone sounded me out about the site and how user-friendly it is. One lazy weekend, we finally checked it out and did not imagine it would be so fun.
It all starts with the personalized details. We uploaded our own photos upon registration and Lucia stars in the story book as a little dinosaur who goes on an adventure with her friends.
The places she goes to are named Coaster Hills, Cheer Valley, Boulder Bridge and Hero Canyons. In the app, we just click on the icon of the place and it takes us there. There’s play involved as well as meeting friends and animals along the way.
Of course, our little heroines (in this case, my Lucia) get their boost of energy from having Star Margarine on bread during breakfast and snack. Legend goes that eating Star makes one tall but it’s filled as well with vitamins very much useful for growing kiddos.
I love how the text in the online storybook are readable and easy to understand. The visual images and color combinations are also attractive to the eye and will definitely not bore the young reader.
Overall, I recommend this Star Margarine app. Online registration is easy as 123 and I like the fact that I can easily log in via Facebook. Once again, check it out at or in social media at @officialstarmargarine and hashtag #MyStarKidAdventure

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