Handling one's finances effectively should be put out there as one of life's earnest goals, much like graduating from college. Why so? Because the knowledge and management of our finances has much bearing on our happiness in both the present and future. It will decide whether we sleep on the street or in a comfy home, stay single or married, enjoy life or stay strapped in a jail called çredit card debt. I first had my encounter with personal finance at the age of 18 when I lived away from my mom. The experience of paying the monthly rent on my room and shopping for ... Continue Reading...
It’s Time to Come Up With a Budget
Everyone needs a budget. But so many of us go through life without one. Realistically, this is a skill that should be taught in schools, as effective money management is an essential life skill. But nowadays, it’s not on many schools’ syllabus and it’s a skill that we’re left to pick up ourselves. The good news is that we’re here to help! As you can imagine, a budget helps you to actually understand how much you earn, how much of that sum you take home (as taxes and other fees often need to be deducted), how much you need to fork out for bills and other essential ... Continue Reading...
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