In response to an invitation I posed in my previous post, my blog friends wasted no time in contributing their own “invented” words. You guessed it, it’s all about blogs!
From Polo :
Cyberbloggeriaadicta – an affliction of those who can’t stay away from blogs
Bloggerianervosa – is what attacks a blogger when his/her blog goes offline
bloggerable – a story that has potential of being blogged about
bloggerisms – original phrases or philosophies found in someone’s blog
multiblogger disorder – someone who has different blog personalities ( a blogging schizophrenic, perhaps?)
blogolalia – a disorder whose manifestations generally include inability to talk about anything else except blogs and bloggers
blogcott – a boycott of someone else’s blog and not going there again
Blogtitis – a blog-related infection affecting bloggers who are highly-addicted to blogging
Bloggadocio – bragging about one’s blog
blogpals – friends in blogging
blogablahs – the usually curable disease of laziness to update or justlack of topics in the meantime. Can be differentiated from a blogger’sblock by lack of frustration. You’re just not feeling it as opposed tobeing frustrated at inability to think of topics.
Well guys, we sure hope all these lands in the dictionary soon. Keep ’em coming!

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