There was an invite from Galderma Philippines – the distributor of world-renowned pimple fighter Benzac AC – to a forum on the causes and prevention of acne. As a mom, I attended because my adolescent kids seem to be having pimple problems lately.And I knew how an outbreak can erode one’s confidence.For a youngster, a single zit can do so much in making one feel lonely, ugly and undesirable.
Expert dermatologists shed light on some myths & facts about pimples. Here are a few of the important things we learned:
– Diet and lifestyle contribute to the prevalence of pimples. These days, it’s been noted that children as young as seven years old get acne attacks.
– Acne is caused by a few factors, among them smoking,stress, cosmetic products and excessive intake of Vitamin B12
– A diet rich in the following may aggravate acne: white bread, sugar, sweets, fastfood, dairy products and those that are high in glycemic index (list includes mashed potato, rice cakes, watermelon, white rice & instant oatmeal)
What are the major no-no’s in dealing with acne?
Popping and pricking the pimple(s) on your face may worsen the condition and can even lead to scarring.
Over-scrubbing and over-cleansing do more harm than good.
Trying too many products in one’s desperation to cure the pimple isn’t recommended. A product containing benzoyl peroxide is a safe bet and is highly recommended by dermatologists.
Aside from having benzoyl peroxide, Benzac AC the only acne treatment that contains Acrylates Copolymer (AC)/glycerin complex which absorbs excess oil from the skin’s surface while delivering hydrating glycerin. Combine this with eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and exercising regularly then you will have cleaner, healthier, acne-free skin.
Benzac has also launched its full skin care line which can be used by those with clear skin or no pimple problems. The line includes their facial scrub (to be used twice a week), daily facial liquid cleanser and and daily facial foam cleanser.

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