Two weeks ago, we were lucky to catch up over breakfast with Kuya Kim Atienza who had just conquered the New York marathon. He has always been one of our fitness idols. If you know his story, Kuya Kim suffered a stroke years back but that wasn’t enough to discourage him. He changed his lifestyle, went into sports – particularly running – and now crosses finish line after finish line. He’s getting ready for the Tokyo Marathon on Feb. 28, as we speak!
As a host and weather anchor, he’s now known for sporting The Hat (the one am wearing in this photo). And over his brekky of a healthy fruit bowl at the Bikers’ Cafe in Mall of Asia, Kuya Kim excitedly told us about the new hat he’ll be wearing…. as a mobile game figure and developer!
Yes that’s right, the Adventures of Kuya Kim – the game – is now available for download via the Google Play Store. Have countless hours of fun with the app on your Android phone and join Kuya Kim overtake obstacles & find rewarding treasure chests along the way.
There are 15 different missions to be conquered in the game, with three objectives per mission.Game aficionados will surely have a blast joining Kuya Kim in jumping over boulders and bottomless pits, not to mention running with him like it was a real triathlon or marathon.
For this project, Kuya Kim invested in Xeleb Inc., a newly-hatched celebrity mobile games developer. His fellow shareholders are Anne Curtis, Isabelle Daza, Erwan Heussaff and the publicly-listed technology firm Xurpas Inc.
Xurpas Inc. president/CEO & fellow fitness enthusiast Raymond Racaza said: “Kuya Kim is one of the most recognizable figures on Philippine TV and his mobile game captures his spirit completely. That’s because he’s adventure personified! We’ve worked on a lot of touches in this game to pump up the adrenaline and we’re sure it will be enjoyed by gamers from all walks of life in the years to come.”
Right on. We’re running with Kuya Kim and downloading the game now!

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