FLASH REPORT! Daniel Matsunaga half naked… for Veet!
You might have seen the viral video on Youtube showing Brazilian-Japanese hunk Daniel Matsunaga in a liplocking scene with an unknown lady inside an elevator. In two days, the short clip amassed at least 250,000 hits, and was even featured in various news programs.
Turns out it was a teaser for a contest for top depilatory product Veet. If only I was single, I’d join this contest too. Just imagine, the lucky winner will have a date with Daniel Matsunaga where he will personally VEET the winner’s legs (awww!) . She will also bring home an Apple i-Pad, while runners-up will receive an i-Pod touch, an i-Pod nano, iPod shuffles and Veet gift packs.
So how to win that date with Daniel? Send a video or a photo story telling Daniel why he should date YOU, showing you using VEET on your legs. The full contest can be seen at the official contest website
Otherwise, read it here
* Veet Me! will run from February 8, 2011 to March 27, 2011.
* Veet Me! is open to all Filipinos, aged 18 and above.
There are two ways to join:
1. Create a video
* Must include footage of you using Veet on your legs
* Must tell us why you should win a date with Daniel Matsunaga
* Must be one minute or less
* Format must be in QuickTime .MOV, Windows .AVI, or .MPG
* Must not exceed 100 MB in size
* You may use a videocam, cellphone or any other video device.
2. Create a photo story
* Must include an image of you using VEET
* Must tell us why you should win a date with Daniel Matsunaga
* Must consist of 6 pictures
* Photos must be in JPEG format
* Each photo must not exceed 1 MB in size
A. Video
1. Upload your video to Youtube (www.youtube.com).
2. Go to www.veetme2011.com and fill up the registration form which includes the following details:
* Name
* Address
* Contact Numbers
* Title of entry (Format: VEET ME! – [Entry Title])
* Video URL (link)
3. All entries will be screened by the Veet Me! administrator. All valid entries will be uploaded/posted by the Veet Me! Administrator on the Veet Me! YouTube channel, the Veet Me! website (www.veetme2011.com) and the official Veet Me! Facebook page (www.facebook.com/veetme).
4. Ask your friends to watch and vote for your entry on the Veet Me! Website and the official Facebook page. Get as many votes as you can.
5. You may submit more than one entry but each entry must be unique.
B. Photo Story
1. Go to www.veetme2011.com and fill up the registration form which includes the following details:
* Name
* Address
* Contact Numbers
* Title of entry
* Photo Entries
* Write-up
2. All entries will be screened by the Veet Me! administrator. All valid entries will be uploaded/posted by the Veet Me! Administrator on the Veet Me! website (www.veetme2011.com) and the official Veet Me! Facebook page (www.facebook.com/veetme).
3. Ask your friends to vote for your entry on the Veet Me! website and the official Facebook page. Get as many votes as you can.
4. You may submit more than one entry but each entry must be unique.
Anyway, watch out for an upcoming contest in this blog where ladies (and gents!) bracing for summer can win much-coveted Veet gift packs

Hi there, I joined Veet’s newest contest and I’m wondering if you could spare some votes and click like on this video? It would be greatly appreciated: